Afyaplus Organization


Meet Miss Batuli

Meet Miss Batuli, a determined woman who refused to let her economic status hold her back. She was a beneficiary of Afyaplus’ project aimed at empowering women and young girls in financial and entrepreneurial skills. Through this program, she learned valuable skills that helped her take a loan from the Furaha Group. With the loan, she was able to expand her onion agriculture activities and create a successful business.

Thanks to Afyaplus’ project, Miss Batuli has not only increased her income but has also improved her quality of life. She now sees her future in a more advanced way and is excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. Miss Batuli is grateful for the opportunity she received through Afyaplus, and she encourages other women to take advantage of similar programs.

Through Afyaplus’ 100 projects, many other women like Miss Batuli have been empowered and are now thriving in their businesses. Afyaplus is committed to continuing to empower women and young girls in financial and entrepreneurial skills so that they too can improve their economic status and live a better life. Join us in celebrating the success of Miss Batuli and other beneficiaries of Afyaplus’ projects! #WomenEmpowermen.

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