Afyaplus Organization

About us

Afyaplus is a non-profit and non-business organization registered under the NGO act that prevents and controls diseases through Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Adolescence and Young Women Empowerment. In our country social, economic facilities and services, such as health, education, water, sanitation, nutrition, hygiene etc. have not met community needs and demand and the government has from time to time called individuals, groups and communities to use their ample abilities to assist the government in Providing social and economic services for the welfare and development of all the people of Tanzania, and Whereas, It is recognized that health and community development professionals through community involvement and participation can be mobilized to use their ample potentials to solve problems related to their needs and there are able to provide social and economic facilities and community-based services for the welfare and development of all Tanzanians.


A responsible healthy Tanzanian community free from diseases caused by unsafe water, poor sanitation  and hygiene services; and where adolescent girls and young girls are empowered.  


To cultivate behavior change and build a strong community through the promotion of Water Sanitation and Hygiene services and empowerment of adolescent girls and young women through engaging relevant stakeholders.

Main Goal

To improve school performance and create a community free from diseases caused by lack of safe and clean water, poor sanitation, and hygiene and empower adolescent girls and young women in a community.

Our values​


AfyaPlus staff shall ensure meeting deadlines, keeping promises, maintaining high standards, honesty, and transparency in what they do because their stakeholders will see them as being trustworthy, reliable, and conscientious. This will portray a positive and respectful AfyaPlus image.


AfyaPlus staff shall emulate high professional standards, requisite skills and knowledge; well to account experiences, competence; and exemplary behaviour and ethics. The AfyaPlus staff and management shall maintain professionalism in delivering their services to earn professional reputation..


AfyaPlus shall be responsible for its actions, they shall be responsible to its clients (the rights holders) and all stakeholders including duty bearers in government (central and local) together with its agencies.


AfyaPlus shall be responsible for its actions, they shall be responsible to its clients (the rights holders) and all stakeholders including duty bearers in government (central and local) together with its agencies.


AfyaPlus, an equal opportunity organization, shall uphold diversity working with all people irrespective of gender, age, race, ethnic group, socio-economic background and institutions.


We come together and exert combined efforts in facilitating the realization of our goals and those of our partners.



Ensuring schools have access to safe water supply and proper sanitation is crucial for children’s basic education. In Tanzania, it is essential to provide adequate WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) services in schools to enhance children’s education and health. By reducing the instances of diarrhea and gastrointestinal diseases, these services can minimize school absenteeism and allow more time for learning. 


April  26, 2023                             No Comments

Afyaplus visit Lundamatwe secondary school

Afyaplus Organization conducted supportive supervision at Lundamatwe Secondary School in Kilolo District to monitor the SAFE PAD LAB project’s advancement. Afyaplus Organization initiated safe pad laboratories to educate and empower female students in creating reusable sanitary pads, enhancing menstrual hygiene management. This initiative is implemented in  50 schools of  Iringa region, benefiting 30,600 schoolgirls.


April  26, 2023                             No Comments

Afyaplus conducted Afyaplus 3rd WASH Gala

Afyaplus 3rd WASH Gala was a huge success, with stakeholders from different sectors coming together to collaborate and find sustainable solutions to improve WASH services in Iringa. The event was held on March 24th, 2023, at the Masiti Grand Hall of Gangilonga in the Iringa region, and was graced by the Guest of Honor, the Deputy Minister for Water, Eng. Maryprisca Mahundi, who was accompanied by other officials from the Ministry of Water


March 24, 2023                             No Comments