Afyaplus Organization

Afyaplus WASH Gala Initiative: A Lifeline for Safe Water and Sanitation

Globally, 663 million people lack access to safe water sources, with 350 million of them in Africa alone facing this challenge every day. The health implications are staggering: 2 million people, mostly children under the age of five, die annually from water-borne diarrheal diseases. In Africa, water-related illnesses claim more young lives than HIV/AIDS, malaria, and measles combined, according to World Bank estimates.

Despite global recognition that clean water and sanitation are basic human rights, many people still lack access to these essential resources. In Tanzania, the Constitution acknowledges the human right to water and sanitation, and national plans emphasize the importance of equitable access to quality WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) services. However, poor sanitation and hygiene conditions remain prevalent, amplifying the occurrence of preventable illnesses such as cholera, which frequently causes severe diarrhea and dehydration.

The Afyaplus WASH Gala

In response to these pressing issues, Afyaplus Organization marks International World Water Day each year by hosting a special event known as the Afyaplus WASH Gala. The primary objective of the Gala is to unite various stakeholders and communities to seek sustainable solutions for improving WASH services in Iringa. Additionally, the event aims to raise funds to tackle WASH-related challenges head-on.

To date, Afyaplus has successfully conducted three WASH Galas, mobilizing significant community support and resources. These efforts have led to tangible improvements in water and sanitation access across the region. The funds raised have enabled the provision of Water Storage Facilities (500-liter water tanks) to 6,600 students (2,798 boys and 3,774 girls) in 25 schools. Furthermore, the initiative has facilitated the construction of Hand Washing Stations, each with eight taps to accommodate multiple users simultaneously, promoting hygiene and behavior change in 13 schools in the Iringa Region.

A Commitment to Change

The Afyaplus WASH Gala embodies the philosophy that solving community problems should not solely rely on government or external organizations. Instead, it promote a culture of local responsibility and community-driven solutions. By encouraging the community to take proactive steps towards development, Afyaplus is nurturing a spirit of giving back and collective action.

Through the WASH Gala, Afyaplus not only addresses immediate water and sanitation needs but also instills a lasting mindset of self-reliance and mutual support. This approach is crucial for long-term development and the creation of strong, resilient communities.