Afyaplus Organization

Education, Health

My Menstrual Journey

“The first time I heard about menstruation, I had so many questions and felt really scared. I knew this would happen to me one day, and I didn’t understand what to expect. All those worries made me really nervous. I didn’t know anything about menstruation at all. I wondered why they happened, what to do the first time it came, what things I needed, how long it would last, and how to take care of myself during it. I had so many things I didn’t understand.

I realized I wasn’t the only one confused about this. My closest friend told me a story about how she went through the same thing without knowing anything. She even thought it might be some kind of sickness. It was clear we needed help to figure things out.

Luckily, the Afyaplus organization stepped in and changed everything. They started a project known as Safe Pad Laboratory. Through this project, we received training on Menstrual Health Hygiene (MHH), Adolescents Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (ASRHR), and taught how to sew reusable sanitary pads in our school

I’m so thankful for this project. Now, we don’t feel scared about periods anymore. We have what we need to be comfortable during menstruation. We can go to school and do everything we want, just like the boys. Even playing sports during our periods is okay now. We’re not afraid like before.

I’m excited to use what I’ve learned to help others in our community. I want to make sure they don’t have to go through what we did without understanding On behalf of my fellow students I express my sincere gratitude to the Afyaplus Organization, they cared about girls and the hard parts we face, especially when it comes to periods.”

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