Afyaplus Organization

Education, Enviroment, Health, Safe Pad Lab Project, Water For All

Afyaplus’ Discussions with Iringa Regional Education Stakeholder

This week, Afyaplus had the privilege of meeting with key stakeholders at the Iringa Regional Commissioner’s office to review our project implementations and explore the future direction of our interventions. The meeting, which focused on feedback from projects implemented between 2020 and 2024, was a crucial step in shaping our upcoming Six-Year Strategic Plan (2025–2030).

We were honored to engage in discussions with Iringa’s Regional Academic Officer, Mr. Reginaldo Msendekwa, on the impact Afyaplus has made, particularly in improving access to sanitary pads for schoolgirls, enhancing hygiene behaviors, and addressing WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) challenges and empowerments projects. Leading the dialogue was Dr. Donald Kashongi, our Strategic Plan Consultancy Lead, accompanied by Mr. Faraja Kulanga, Afyaplus Program Manager, and other team members.

Impact and Achievements: 2020–2024

Mr. Msendekwa praised Afyaplus for its critical role in expanding access to sanitary pads in schools. He highlighted that this project has led to a reduction in school dropout rates, particularly among girls, by increasing their confidence and participation in school activities. Boys, who were once unaware of menstruation-related challenges, are now active participants in the Safe Pad Labs, where they help produce reusable sanitary pads.

This cultural shift promoted a greater gender understanding and support, creating an inclusive and supportive school environment. 

Also, Mr. Msendekwa emphasized the impact of our efforts in improving sanitation infrastructure, such as handwashing stations, which have been essential in reducing hygiene-related diseases. He noted that safe water access  and improved sanitation facilities play a great role in creating healthy school environments, helping prevent the spread of diseases in high-density areas like schools.

Expanding Our Reach: Strategic Suggestions

As Afyaplus prepares to launch its 2025–2030 strategic plan, Mr. Msendekwa offered insightful suggestions to help us scale our efforts. With the government’s BOOST and SEQUIP programs expanding school infrastructure, there is a pressing need to extend WASH services to these new schools. While the government focuses on buildings and utilities, Afyaplus could provide crucial support in areas like sanitary pad services, changing rooms, improved sanitation facilities awareness education WASH and mindset growth.

He also encouraged Afyaplus to consider the special needs of vulnerable populations, including orphans and children with disabilities, as part of our upcoming initiatives. Expanding our capacity-building programs for teachers and parents, and implementing guidance and counseling programs for students, were also highlighted as key areas of need.

He suggested that Afyaplus consider supporting the government’s BOOST and SEQUIP programs, which focus on creating Safe Schools. These programs aim to address and remove all barriers that prevent students from completing their studies. Key areas of focus include implementing feeding programs in schools, providing advice and counseling services, fostering strong cooperation between parents and teachers, and ensuring safe passage for students to and from school, whether they travel on foot, by motor vehicles, or public transportation.

Mr. Msendekwa proposed an approach to help student success Parent-Teacher Partnerships (PTP) in order to collaborate in helping student success. to address student challenges.  This model, if adopted, could create a stronger support network for students, both at home and in school. Also, he recommended introducing a feedback mechanism, such as a suggestion box, to enable students to share their concerns anonymously. This would give students a platform to express themselves, build self-awareness, and enhance their confidence to speak out on issues that affect them.

Looking Ahead

The meeting concluded with Mr. Msendekwa’s request for Afyaplus to broaden its services to include adult learners, providing them with entrepreneurship and life skills training. This would expand our current IMPROVE 100 program, which focuses on Adolescent Girls and Young mothers, to reach a wider audience. Finally, the idea of rainwater harvesting through the installation of gutters and storage tanks was proposed, adding value no how we can contribute to building resilient communities in Iringa.

We are thankful for the continued partnership with the Iringa Regional Education Office and the valuable feedback we received from Mr. Msendekwa. These insights will play a great role in shaping Afyaplus’ future interventions, ensuring we continue to address the needs of the communities we serve while scaling up our impact. We are excited to start next phase of our journey and look forward to working together with all our stakeholders to create a healthier, more empowered future for the students and communities of Iringa.

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